Bible Major /
Church Ministry Minor (Women)

Four-Year Course Program
18/20 of 48 Courses - Bible (40-42%)
6 of 48 Courses - Specialized (12.5%)
6 of 48 Courses - Ministry (12.5%)
7 of 48 Courses - Theology (15%)
3/4 of 48 Courses - Bible Background (6-8%)
4 of 48 Courses - English (8%)
2/4 of 48 Courses - Missions (4-8%)
1 of 48 Courses - Elective
with Hands-On Training through Your Church

"I felt guilty and then convicted for listening to blasphemy during my religious courses at a university. Never have I heard my Lord, and His Word, chewed up and spit out so profusely. I decided one day I would not go back to class. I prayed and thought hard about my life. I decided I needed to find a school that taught the truth about the Bible. Bro. Stewart directed me to Norris, and I cherish every mo-ment I attended. The wisdom of the pastors teaching the classes is as that of the great preachers of the past."
Connie (Richey) Cousins is a 2001 graduate and is an active member of Victory Baptist Church in Weatherford, TX.
Freshman Year Fall
Old Testament Survey
Pentateuch I (Genesis)
Biblical Structure
Bible Doctrine OVW & Theo Proper
Life Skills
English Grammar I
Freshman Year Spring
New Testament Survey
Pentateuch II (Exodus–Deuteronomy)
Bible Doctrine II (Bibliology – KJV)
Personal Evangelism
Christian Womanhood
English Grammar II
Sophomore Year Fall
Historical Books I (Joshua–Samuel)
Poetical Books (Job–Song of Solomon)
Bible Study Methods
Teaching Children I
Great Women of the Bible & Ch. History
English Composition & Literature I
Sophomore Year Spring
Historical Books II (Kings–Esther)
Bible Doctrine IV (Ecclesiology)
Teaching Children II
The Family
English Composition & Literature II
Junior Year Fall
Life of Christ I
Bible Doctrine V (Christology)
World Religions & Cults
Creation Science
Missions I (History)
Fundamentals of Church Music
Junior Year Spring
Life of Christ II
Missions II (Biblical Basis)
Tabernacle/Missions III (Cross Cultural)
Christian Ethics
Apologetics/Missions IV (Dep. & Promo)
Senior Year Fall
Church History
World History Overview
Pastor's Wife
Senior Year Spring
Pastoral Epistles (Cor., Thess., Tim., Titus)
Prison Epistles (Eph., Phil., Col., Phlm.)
General Epistles (Hebrews–Jude)
Church Business Administration
Bible Doctrine VI (Eschatology)